Like the fool I am, whilst messing about with user privileges in phpMyAdmin I managed to delete the root account. Suddenly I found myself with no access to any of my databases
It took a while to figure out how to re-create the root@localhost user, so here’s how I did it.
- Shut down mysql server
- Start the msql server up with skip-grant-tables option
- Log in to mysql
- Change to the mysql database
- Create the root user
- Re-start mysql server
For those that like a cut n paste approach, these are the commands:
service mysqld stop
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables &
use mysql
create user root@localhost;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' with grant option;
service mysqld restart
You can confirm that the root account has been created (or is indeed missing!) by listing entries on the user table:
use mysql;
select Host,User from user;
Good luck!